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Green Co-Financing Loans

Green Co-Financing Loans

The Green Co-Financing Loans Fund was established to provide favorable terms regarding investment loans to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), offering 40% of the capital interest rate-free and a two-year partial interest subsidy upon the Financial Intermediary’s interest rate for the remaining 60% of the capital, for the implementation of Green Transition investment projects. Investment projects regarding Green Mobility, Energy Efficiency/Energy Upgrades, and Energy Production through Renewable Sources are supported.


Purpose of Financing

The Fund aims to support SMEs to meet their investment purposes in implementing Green Transition projects that facilitate reducing emissions, protect the environment and reduce energy consumption costs. 

Which Enterprises Are Eligible

The Fund applies to small and medium-sized enterprises that own a legal establishment and operate within Greece and were established up to the year of submitting the financing application to the Financial Intermediary. 

Co-Financing Scheme

The Fund provides 40% of the capital interest rate-free, while the remaining 60% is charged by the Financial Intermediary. Additionally, a partial interest subsidy (up to 3%) on the interest rate applied by the Financial Intermediary on its capital for the first two years of the loan is offered (starting from the first disbursement).

The Fund’s Budget

The Green Co-Financing budget amounts to €173 million, after a reallocation of resources between the three Funds of the Business Growth Fund, which was held in July 2023 (initial budget was €200 million). Along with the participation of Financial Intermediaries by 60% in each loan, a total loan portfolio for the Fund of approximately €415 million was formed. 

The budget of the Fund is allocated to Sub-programmes as presented below:

  • Sub-programme 1 – Green Mobility Loans: Budget of €20 million / Estimated loan portfolio of €48 million.
  • Sub-programme 2 – Energy Efficiency Loans: Budget of €65 million / Estimated loan portfolio of €156 million.
  • Sub-programme 3 – Loans for Renewable Energy Sources: Budget of €88 million / Estimated loan portfolio of €211 million.

The Fund includes an interest subsidy for 2 years with an estimate of additional capital of €15,57 million. 

Financial Advantages For The SMEs

The financial advantages for the SMEs are presented below: 

  1. The capital part of the loans financed by the Fund (i.e., 40% of the capital of each loan) is interest rate-free.  
  2. The Fund subsidizes a portion of the interest rate imposed by the Financial Intermediary upon its share of the capital (that is the remaining 60% of the loan). This subsidy applies for the first two years of the loan (starting from the first disbursement) and reduces the overall borrowing cost for the enterprise by 3% (i.e. 300 basis points), assisting the enterprise to save money.  
  3. Each Financial Intermediary participating in the Fund is required to reduce the interest rate of each loan by at least 25 basis points (bps) per year compared to the interest rates that would be applied to equivalent financing without the Fund’s subsidy.  
  4. The maximum amount of collateral that a Financial Intermediary may request for each financing cannot exceed 100% of the loan capital.

Loan Amount Range

The loan amount may range from €80.000 up to €8.000.000. Please note that the undertaking enterprise may apply for financing in any of the sub-programmes (and through more than one Financial Intermediary), as long as different business plans regarding the investments are submitted, while adhering to a cumulative maximum amount of €8 million.


The Financial Intermediary may request contractual and/or security in rem, in accordance with its credit policy. The maximum amount of collateral that can be required though cannot exceed 100% of the loan capital.  

State Aid Framework

The State Aid framework that applies to the Green Co-Financing Loans is the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) (Regulation (EU) 651/2014), as amended and in force, specifically Articles 17, 38b, 39, and 41. Therefore, the conditions referred to in these articles, as well as the provisions of the common provisions of the said regulation (Chapter I, Articles 1-9), must be applied. Specifically, for the Sub-programmes of the Fund, the following apply: 

Sub-program 1: The provision of aid must meet the conditions of Article 17 of the GBER, which are ensured by the Financial Intermediary. 

Sub-program 2: The provision of aid must meet the conditions of Article 39 of the GBER, which are ensured by the Financial Intermediary. Additionally, following the publication of the GBER amendment in accordance with Communication C(2023) 1712 final, and specifically the Article 38b, the Sub-programme finances Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) for the implementation of energy efficiency investments on behalf of third parties. 

Sub-program 3: The provision of aid must meet the conditions of Article 41 of the GBER, which are ensured by the Financial Institution. 

Loan Duration Range

The loan duration may range from two (2) to ten (10) years, including the possibility of obtaining a grace period of up to 24 months for the capital repayment. 

Loan Disbursements

The loan can be disbursed either in a lump sum or in installments. The first disbursement of the loan must be concluded before the end of the Eligibility Period (30.06.2025), while installment disbursements must be concluded within 36 months from the first disbursement and, in any case, up to 30.06.2026, whichever date comes first. 

Application Process

Potential SMEs must apply via:  

  1. A) The Know Your Customer (KYC) platform of the Hellenic Development Bank S.A., which is available on the website Each submitted application goes through a series of eligibility criteria assessments and upon relevant approval, the application is forwarded to the pre-selected Financial Intermediaries for the submission of a non-binding offer. Once the application is initially accepted by a Financial Intermediary, viz it receives a non-binding offer from the interested party, a unique KYC code is issued. 

B) The Information State Aid System (PSKE), which is available on the website At this point the unique application number from the KYC platform (KYC code) is entered and the SME declares the Financial Intermediary from which it wishes to get financed and has already received the non-binding offer.  

Cooperative Financial Intermediaries:


The European Investment Bank (EIB), which is the financial institution of the European Union created in accordance with Article 309 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, collaborates alongside with the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB), the Greek State and the Financial Intermediaries, in order to finance investment programs that contribute to the goals of the European Union. Learn more about the European Investments Bank (EIB) role in supporting SME’s