The human resources of HDB consists of skilled, experienced, and trained executives, the driving force behind the success. We pursue a working environment where:
Our Human Resources strategy and all employees’ efforts are in alignment with the mission, culture, and objectives of Hellenic Development Bank
HDB encourages excellence by providing incentives for employees’ growth, recognition, and distinction.
Recruitment and development of Human Resources is in adjustment with the culture and shared values of the Bank.
We operate in a highly competitive and unstable environment and therefore, one of our main priorities is to continually invest in ongoing education and training of our people to stay in touch with the rapid developments in the economy.
We design educational programs and encourage employees’ participation in training seminars and conferences and all employees have full access to information e.g., subscriptions to scientific journals etc.
HDB cooperates only with the Credit Institutions contracting in each of its actions / programs for the provision of its services. No other company of any legal form manages HDB operations other than HDB itself.
Furthermore, no company outside the country's credit institutions is authorized to promote HDB actions and any information on HDB actions is provided free of charge by the company itself, as well as by its partner credit institutions through transparent and public channels. communication.