The Chairman and CEO of the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB), George Zavvos, met yesterday in Paris with Nicolas Dufourcq, Chief Executive Officer of Banque publique d’investissement (Bpifrance), the large French public investment and development bank.

The Chairman and CEO of the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB), George Zavvos, met yesterday in Paris with Nicolas Dufourcq, Chief Executive Officer of Banque publique d’investissement (Bpifrance), the large French public investment and development bank.

HDB and Bpifrance have a long-standing partnership since the creation of HDB.
Bpifrance has significant expertise in sustainable development, having financed plans worth billions of euros and having developed significant sustainability measurement tools. Additionally, it has important investments in innovation and support for start-ups.

  • During the meeting, the two sides discussed the prospects for strategic cooperation in actions to access financing for SMEs and to strengthen HDB’s ability to contribute to climate change mitigation and support SMEs in the green and energy transition. In this context, there will be an exchange of expertise and practices. Moreover, solutions implemented by Bpifrance to support innovation and sustainable development will be examined, and the ways they could be applied and adapted by HDB for the benefit of Greek SMEs.
  • The two interlocutors also examined a series of measures that European authorities could take to strengthen the adequate financing of European green transition and renewable energy goals for 2030. Development banks must play a critical role in this effort.
  • The two sides agreed that their respective services will be responsible for developing the framework and elements for the extension of the existing Memorandum of Understanding on the basis of which the cooperation and the mutual exchange of expertise and cooperation in specific investment projects will be structured.

Read the press release in EL: